Isaac Kamins
Isaac has studied under Bruce Kumar Frantzis since 1992. He began at the age of 17 and has trained almost exclusively in Bruce's system. He is featured heavily in Bruce Frantzis' Hsing-I multimedia program and Bagua Mastery Program. He is currently the exclusive host for Bruce's California events. His primary interest in teaching is to bridge the gap between the neigong (health) and martial practices. Something that is lost on many practitioners. He lives in San Francisco, CA. Teaches
Jess O'Brien

Since 1999, Jess has studied extensively under BK Frantzis. Over the years, he has also trained with other, preeminent internal martial artists like Luo De Xiu. He has been active in martial arts since his teens.
He is lives in Berkeley, CA.
Since 1999, Jess has studied extensively under BK Frantzis. Over the years, he has also trained with other, preeminent internal martial artists like Luo De Xiu. He has been active in martial arts since his teens.
He is lives in Berkeley, CA.
- Qi Gong and Nei Gong
- Xingyi Quan
- Bagua Zhang
- Bagua, Level 2 Certification - by BK Frantzis' Energy Arts
- Author of Nei Jia Quan: Internal Martial Arts - Rated 5-Stars on Amazon
- Studied for more than a decade under Master Bruce (Kumar) Frantzis, a Taoist Lineage Holder
- Studied under Luo De Xiu (Taiwan) of the Yizong school and lineage